Clearing the measuring surfaces

Clearing the measuring surfaces

First stage of the project work in 2019 It is not the case that you can simply drive over the forest floor with the georadar equipment and measure the subsoil. This requires careful preparation of the measurement areas, which have to be cleared of undergrowth and...
Visit from the USA

Visit from the USA

In May 2019, a film crew from Los Angeles visited Deutschkatharinenberg on behalf of the Discovery TV network. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Neubauer was interviewed about the scientific research project in front of the Fortunastollen visitor mine, in the valley of the mountain...
The measurement work

The measurement work

In order to study the methodology of the earlier mine operators, laser scanning was necessary in the Fortuna adit, from which copper, tin and silver had been extracted until the 19th century. After the scan in the valley, a metrological route was laid to the summit to...
Film crew Artrejo in action

Film crew Artrejo in action

It’s good to work with professionals, and if the collaboration is also a pleasure, all the better. Stephan Schmidt’s career speaks for itself. Trained as a cameraman at the famous Babelsberg Konrad Wolf Film University, he worked for the South Korean TV...
People’s Consortium Waldviertel

People’s Consortium Waldviertel

For 2020, the pandemic was crucial. A contract with the TV network History fell through with Covid 19. The turbulence at History ensured that other funding had to be found for the necessary next measurement phase and the test drilling. The Waldviertel consortium of...